Cardamom Tea + Ginger Tea + Masala Tea


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Cardamom Tea is made by infusing seeds or cardamom pods in hot water. This herbal tea is usually consumed with some kind of sweet and is commonly consumed in Middle Eastern states. Cardamom tea is used as a digestive aid to soothe stomach ailments including bloating and gas. It is good for oral health and may aid weight loss. It also boosts immunity while improving heart health.

  • Improves oral health
  • Support weight loss
  • Boosts immunity
  • Improves heart health

Weight: 50 grams

Masala tea is an Indian speciality made by adding aromatic herbs and spices to boiling black tea with milk. It is a tea that has gained worldwide popularity and has become a mainstay in the menus of tea and coffee houses. The tea is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, its ability to remove cold, flu and nasal clogging, improving metabolism and digestion, controlling blood pressure and diabetes, and boosting immunity.

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Improves metabolism
  • Improves digestion
  • Regulates blood pressure

Weight: 50 grams

Ginger tea is the herbal version of tea made by adding ginger root, which has a long history as a traditional herbal medicine in East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and West Asia. It is a popular drink in the subcontinent due to its ability to stimulate digestion by speeding gastric emptying, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

  • Stimulate digestion
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Regulates cholesterol
  • Anti-inflammatory

Weight: 50 grams


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Cardamom tea is prepared by boiling crushed cardamom seeds in water, sometimes along with tea leaves. These seeds release their bioactive ingredients into the water, which gives this infusion a high therapeutic value.

The tea has essential phenolic acids and sterols that have potent antioxidant properties.

1. Is A Digestive Aid
Having a small cup of herbal tea post meals is a good habit. Adding cardamom seeds to this brew makes it even better!

Drinking cardamom tea helps in complete digestion and assimilation of the ingested food. It prevents indigestion and flatulence after you have had a heavy meal by stimulating gastric acid secretion.

If you feel nauseous, cardamom tea can give you quick relief. It can also treat constipation and the acute stomach cramps that accompany it quite effectively.

2. Enhances Heart Health And Blood Circulation
Cardamom tea is rich in antioxidants like pinene, linalool, limonene, and other phenolic compounds that can reduce the free radicals causing hypertension.

The flavonoids in this tea prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels without altering HDL (good cholesterol) levels in the serum. Certain components also modify or block the calcium transport across blood vessels so that they remain dilated.

As a result, blood circulates freely through the vessels and exerts less stress on your heart and vessel walls. This helps in maintaining heart health and protects you from cardiovascular diseases.

3. Is Effective Against Flu
High levels of sterols, polyalcohols, and vitamins A and C give cardamom tea antiviral, antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory properties.

Cardamom tea can treat a sore throat and dry cough and clear excessive phlegm generated due to microbial infections (e.g., flu) or hypersensitivity (e.g., pollen allergy) by enhancing your immunity.

It can also reduce the severity of inflammation in the lungs and associated organs in conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia by triggering the production of anti-inflammatory enzymes like COX-inhibitors

4. Treats Bad Breath And Dental Issues
Having cardamom seeds, either in the tea or directly, can help fight bad breath (halitosis). Bad breath can be caused by bad oral hygiene, chewing or smoking tobacco, diseases leading to dry mouth, crash diets, etc.

Usually, food stuck in your teeth and gums is broken down by certain bacteria to produce sulfur compounds, which give the foul smell to your breath. But some fungal or bacterial infections in your gums and teeth pockets also cause halitosis.

The antiseptic and antimicrobial components of cardamom seeds, such as cineole and pinene, kill these bacteria and heal bleeding and infected gums.

5. Is A Complete Detox Drink
The active components of tea leaves and cardamom seeds, together, flush out all the wastes circulating in your bloodstream. Cardamom tea has essential terpenes like myrcene, sabinene, carene, limonene, eudesmene, cedrene, and terpinolene, along with polyalcohols like linalool, geraniol, verbeneol, terpinyl acetate, and their derivatives in abundance.