Blue Pea Tea + Hibiscus Tea + Rooibus Tea


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Blue pea tea - this caffeine-free herbal concoction is made from seeping dried or fresh leaves of the Clitoria ternatea plant. It has a fresh, citrus taste with a smooth finish and facilitates digestion, revitalises skin, prevents kidney disorders and enhances mood.

Weight: 20 grams

Hibiscus tea - Hibiscus, a plant found in warm and tropical parts of the world, is used to make this tea. It has a tart yet sweet punch similar to cranberries and helps boost liver health, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and may prevent cancer.

Weight:25 grams

Rooibos means red-bush and it is also known as bush tea, red tea, or redbush tea. It has been a popular South African tea variety for generations and gained international popularity since the 2000s. Rooibos tea is rich in unique polyphenols like Aspalathin and antioxidants; together they help fight free radical damage and help with diabetes, heart conditions, bone health and potentially cancer. Its uniqueness lies in its anti-stimulatory effect unlike other teas available in the market. It has an earthy flavour, similar to yerba mate or tobacco.
Weight: 25 gram


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What is butterfly pea flower?
Also known by its scientific name, Clitoria ternatea, the butterfly pea is a plant native to Asia. You may recognize it by its striking, vibrant blue flowers.

It is also rich in anthocyanins, which are the antioxidant compounds responsible for its unique color.

For this reason, manufactures may use butterfly pea flower in cosmetics or as a natural dye for foods, drinks, and textiles.

The flowers are also commonly brewed into an herbal tea, often alongside ingredients like lemongrass, honey, and lemon.

When the acidity of the pea flower tea changes, the color changes as well. This quality makes butterfly pea flower a popular ingredient among mixologists for specialty cocktails.

Additionally, it’s known for its medicinal properties and has been associated with a variety of potential health benefits.

Nutrients in butterfly pea flower?
Butterfly pea flowers are rich in anthocyanin compounds called ternatins, which give the plant its vibrant hue.

Test-tube studies suggest that ternatins can alleviate inflammation and may prevent cancer cell growth.

Additionally, the plant contains several other antioxidants, including:

Kaemphferol. This compound has been studied extensively for its cancer-fighting properties. Test-tube studies indicate that it may kill off cancer cells .

p-Coumaric acid. Some research suggests that p-coumaric acid could have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antiviral effects, which may help protect against disease.

Delphinidin-3,5-glucoside. According to one study, this antioxidant may help stimulate immune function and cause cell death in colorectal cancer cells.

Health benefits of butterfly pea flower.
Butterfly pea flowers may be associated with several health benefits.

Supports skin and hair health
Cosmetic manufacturers boast about butterfly pea flowers’ effectiveness in everything from skin care serums to hair mists and shampoos.

According to a 2021 study, butterfly pea extract may increase your skin hydration by 70% one hour after topical application.

A 2012 animal study found that butterfly pea extract may be more effective at promoting hair growth than minoxidil, which is a common product used to treat hair loss.

Butterfly pea flower contains a rich array of antioxidants, which may also be beneficial for promoting hair and skin health.

Still, more research is needed to fully understand how butterfly pea flower may affect your hair and skin.

May promote weight loss
Some studies even suggest that butterfly pea flower may aid in weight loss efforts.

One test-tube study suggests that butterfly pea flower extract may slow the formation of fat cells by regulating certain pathways involved in cell progression.

Some older test-tube and animal studies have found that ternatins, which are found in butterfly pea flower, may also block the synthesis of fat cells in your body.

Further research is necessary to evaluate how butterfly pea flower may impact your weight, especially when worked into your diet.

Stabilizes blood sugar levels
Studies indicate that butterfly pea flower may reduce your risk of diabetes and related symptoms.

For instance, one study in 15 men showed that drinking a beverage containing butterfly pea flower extract increased antioxidant levels and reduced blood sugar and insulin levels, despite the sugar levels in the drink.

Moreover, an animal study found that administering butterfly pea flower extract to rats with diabetes significantly reduced their blood sugar levels compared with a control group.

One study even reported that the antioxidant properties of butterfly pea flower may protect against cell damage and complications related to diabetes.

However, additional studies are needed to determine how butterfly pea flower may impact your long-term blood sugar control.