Why is Tea better than Coffee?

  • Admin
18 Aug

Tea is the most consumed beverage worldwide, with about two billion cups consumed daily. But what makes tea so special, and why is it better than coffee?


Less Cholesterol


Coffee’s high caffeine content (and other factors) has been linked to increased risk for heart disease, and some studies suggest that it increases blood pressure as well. But according to a new study in the Journal of Nutrition, people who drink tea daily tend to have lower cholesterol levels than those who don't. Tea is a good source of antioxidants called polyphenols, which the researchers say may help protect against heart disease.




Better Weight Loss


A study by Columbia University found that tea drinkers lost an average of 3.4 pounds during the study, compared to the 2.3 pounds of weight loss experienced by people who drank no caffeine, and the 2.9 pounds of weight gain experienced by people who drank coffee. “Although the amount of weight lost is small, the difference in weight lost between tea and coffee drinkers is statistically significant,” said lead researcher Dr. Michael R. P. Thase of Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health.




Better Athletic Performance


Researchers at the University of New Hampshire found that caffeine has a much greater impact on athletic performance than people realize. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system and promotes alertness, concentration, and endurance, which are crucial in sports. In fact, studies show that caffeine ingestion may enhance athletic performance in the following ways: increases muscle strength and endurance, enhances agility, improves reaction time, enhances mental clarity, enhances the body’s ability to endure exercise, and even reduces fatigue after exercise.




Better Skin, Hair and Nails


A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that drinking up to two cups of green tea per day could help keep skin smooth, reduce redness, and prevent breakouts. But if you’re worried about skin damage, make sure to wash your hands after drinking tea. Tea also contains caffeine, which can dehydrate skin cells, and if left on skin for too long, may even lead to skin problems.




Teas Reduce Stress


Drinking tea doesn’t just calm you down; research shows that it may even reduce stress more effectively than coffee. Tea contains caffeine and tannins, both of which are proven to boost energy levels. Research shows that drinking tea throughout the day can help you get a better night’s sleep, which is often characterized by sleepiness, headaches, and a feeling of being unrefreshed.




In conclusion, according to the science of energy drinks, we should all drink tea because it provides a longer lasting energy boost than coffee, is healthier than coffee and is proven to help you feel happier and more focused. Now, the reason why people prefer coffee over tea is simple: because coffee tastes better and tastes better gives us more of a boost, which is why it’s preferred over tea. However, this is also why tea has a better reputation than coffee. Coffee, for all of its health benefits, is still caffeine-based and therefore comes with side effects such as headaches. However, tea is naturally caffeinated, it doesn’t contain caffeine, so the benefits of tea outweigh the side effects.


Main Text:


After water, tea is the most widely consumed beverage in the world.


In India, Tea is a crucial part of daily life in this country. More than half of the tea (around 70%) produced in India remains in the country for consumption,


Regular chaipatti is all that most people in India know. In India, only 2% of the population drinks herbal tea daily. its clearly because lack of awareness and availability.


We found "Tea Amo" with a vision of supplying high-quality loose-leaf tea, sourcing exclusively from all over the world and delivering them to your doorstep. In this process we promise transparency and authenticity.



  1. After water, tea is the most popular beverage in the world. Tea is an important part of daily life in India. Most people in India don't know that around 70% of the tea produced in India remains in the country for consumption. Only 2% of India's population drinks herbal tea each day. It is clear that there is a lack of awareness and availability. We found Tea Amo with a vision of supplying high-quality loose-leaf tea, from all over the world, and delivering it to your doorstep. We promise to be transparent and authentic during this process.

  1. Tea is the most popular beverage after water. Tea is an important part of Indian life. Most people in India know that Regular Chaipatti is the only tea that is produced in India. 2% of India's population drink herbal tea a day. Lack of awareness and availability is to blame. "Tea Amo" has a vision of supplying high-quality loose-leaf tea from all over the world and delivering them to you. We promise to be transparent in this process.